Sayan Deb Dutta a,b,c,1, Jeong Man An d,1, Jin Hexiu e,1, Aayushi Randhawa a,f,1, Keya Ganguly a, Tejal V. Patil a,f, Thavasyappan Thambi g, Jangho Kim h, Yong-kyu Lee i, Ki-Taek Lim a,b,f
aDepartment of Biosystems Engineering, Kangwon National University, 24341, Chuncheon, Republic of Korea
bInstitute of Forest Science, Kangwon National University, 24341, Chuncheon, Republic of Korea
cSchool of Medicine, University of California Davis, 95817, Sacramento, United States
dDepartment of Bioengineering, College of Engineering, Hanyang University, 04763, Seoul, Republic of Korea
eDepartment of Plastic and Traumatic Surgery, Capital Medical University, 100069, Beijing, China
fInterdisciplinary Program in Smart Agriculture, Kangwon National University, 24341, Chuncheon, Republic of Korea
gGraduate School of Biotechnology, College of Life Sciences, Kyung Hee University, 17104, Yongin, Republic of Korea
hDepartment of Convergence Biosystems Engineering, Chonnam National University, 61186, Gwangju, Republic of Korea
iDepartment of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Korea National University of Transportation, 27470, Chungju, Republic of Korea
1These four authors have contributed equally to this manuscript.
Corresponding authors: Jangho Kim, Yong-kyu Lee, Ki-Taek Lim