Ramu Gopalappa 1,#, MinYoung Lee 1,2,#, Globinna Kim 3,4*, Eul Sik Jung 1,5, Hanahrae Lee 1,2, Hye-Yeon Hwang 6, Jong Geol Lee 3, Su Jung Kim 3, Hyun Ju Yoo 3, Young Hoon Sung 3,4, Daesik Kim 6, In-Jeoung Baek 3,4*, Hyongbum Henry Kim 1,2,7,8,9*
1Department of Pharmacology, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul 03722, Republic of Korea
2Brain Korea 21 Plus Project for Medical Sciences, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul 03722, Republic of Korea
3ConveRgence mEDIcine research cenTer (CREDIT), ASAN Institute for Life Sciences, ASAN Medical Center, Seoul 05505, Republic of Korea
4Department of Cell and Genetic Engineering, ASAN Medical Center, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Seoul 05505, Republic of Korea
5JES Clinic, Incheon 21550, Republic of Korea
6Department of Precision Medicine, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Suwon 16419, Republic of Korea
7Center for Nanomedicine, Institute for Basic Science, Seoul 03722, Republic of Korea
8Graduate Program of Nano Biomedical Engineering, Advanced Science Institute, Yonsei University, Seoul 03722, Republic of Korea
9Severance Biomedical Science Institute, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul 03722, Republic of Korea
#These authors contributed equally.
*Corresponding authors: Globinna Kim, In-Jeoung Baek, Hyongbum Henry Kim
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