Dong-Hwi Kim1, Da-Yoon Kim1, Kyu-Sung Kim1, Sang-Hoon Han, Hyeon-Jeong Go, Jae-Hyeong Kim, Kyu-Beom Lim, Dong-Hun Lee, Joong-Bok Lee, Seung-Yong Park, Chang-Seon Song, Sang-Won Lee, Yang-Kyu Choi, Yeun-Kyung Shin, Oh-Kyu Kwon, Do-Geun Kim, and In-Soo Choi
Konkuk University, Seoul, South Korea (D.-H. Kim, D.-Y. Kim, S.-H. Han, H.-J. Go, J.-H. Kim, K.-B. Lim, D.-H. Lee, J.-B. Lee, S.-Y. Park, C.-S. Song, S.-W. Lee, Y.-K. Choi, I.-S. Choi); Korea Brain Research Institute, Daegu, South Korea (K.-S. Kim, D.-G. Kim); Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology, Daegu (K.-S. Kim, D.-G. Kim); Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency, Gimcheon, South Korea (Y.-K. Shin, O.-K. Kwon); Konkuk University Zoonotic Diseases Research Center, Seoul (D.-H. Lee, J.-B. Lee, S.-Y. Park, C.-S. Song, S.-W. Lee, I.-S. Choi); KU Center for Animal Blood Medical Science, Seoul (I.-S. Choi)
1These authors contributed equally to this article.
Corresponding authors: Do-Geun Kim, In-Soo Choi
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