Kyungjin Min1,7, Doo Ri An2,3,7, Hye-Jin Yoon1,7, Neha Rana4,7, Ji Su Park1, Jinshil Kim5, Mijoon Lee4, Dusan Hesek4, Sangryeol Ryu5,6, B. Moon Kim1, Shahriar Mobashery4,*, Se Won Suh1,2,* & Hyung Ho Lee1,*
1 Department of Chemistry, College of Natural Sciences, Seoul National University, Seoul 08826, Korea.
2 Department of Biophysics and Chemical Biology, College of Natural Sciences, Seoul National University, Seoul 08826, Korea.
3 Hazardous Substances Analysis Division, Gyeongin Regional Office of Food and Drug Safety, Incheon 22133, Korea.
4 Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana, IN 46556, USA.
5 Department of Food and Animal Biotechnology, Department of Agricultural Biotechnology, and Research Institute for Agriculture and Life Sciences, Seoul National University, Seoul 08826, Korea.
6 Center for Food and Bioconvergence, Seoul National University, Seoul 08826, Korea.
7 These authors contributed equally: Kyungjin Min, Doo Ri An, Hye-Jin Yoon, Neha Rana.
*Correspondence to Shahriar Mobashery or Se Won Suh or Hyung Ho Lee
Assembly of the peptidoglycan is crucial in maintaining viability of bacteria and in defining bacterial cell shapes, both of which are important for existence in the ecological niche that the organism occupies. Here, eight crystal structures for a member of the cell-shape-determining class of Campylobacter jejuni, the peptidoglycan peptidase 3 (Pgp3), are reported. Characterization of the turnover chemistry of Pgp3 reveals cell wall d,d-endopeptidase and d,d-carboxypeptidase activities. Catalysis is accompanied by large conformational changes upon peptidoglycan binding, whereby a loop regulates access to the active site. Furthermore, prior hydrolysis of the crosslinked peptide stem from the saccharide backbone of the peptidoglycan on one side is a pre-requisite for its recognition and turnover by Pgp3. These analyses reveal the noncanonical nature of the transformations at the core of the events that define the morphological shape for C. jejuni as an intestinal pathogen.
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