Sung-Yon Kima,1,2, Jae Hun Chob,1, Evan Murrayc,1, Naveed Bakhb, Heejin Choia, Kimberly Ohnb, Luzdary Ruelasb, Austin Hubbertb, Meg McCuec, Sara L. Vassalloa, Philipp J. Kellerd, and Kwanghun Chunga,b,c,e,f,3
aInstitute of Medical Engineering and Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139;
bDepartment of Chemical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139;
cDepartment of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139;
dHoward Hughes Medical Institute, Janelia Research Campus, Ashburn, VA 02147;
ePicower Institute for Learning and Memory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139;
fBroad Institute of Harvard and Massachusetts Institute of technology, Cambridge, MA 02142
Nondestructive chemical processing of porous samples such as fixed biological tissues typically relies on molecular diffusion. Diffusion into a porous structure is a slow process that significantly delays completion of chemical processing. Here, we present a novel electrokinetic method termed stochastic electrotransport for rapid nondestructive processing of porous samples. This method uses a rotational electric field to selectively disperse highly electromobile molecules throughout a porous sample without displacing the low-electromobility molecules that constitute the sample. Using computational models, we show that stochastic electrotransport can rapidly disperse electromobile molecules in a porous medium. We apply this method to completely clear mouse organs within 1?3 days and to stain them with nuclear dyes, proteins, and antibodies within 1 day. Our results demonstrate the potential of stochastic electrotransport to process large and dense tissue samples that were previously infeasible in time when relying on diffusion.
stochastic electrotransport, molecular transport, tissue clearing, tissue labeling, CLARITY
1S.-Y.K., J.H.C., and E.M. contributed equally to this work.
2Present address: Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Seoul National University, Seoul 08826, South Korea.
3To whom correspondence should be addressed..
Author contributions: K.C. conceived the idea; J.H.C. developed the theoretical models; S.-Y.K., J.H.C., E.M., and K.C. designed research; S.-Y.K., J.H.C., E.M., N.B., H.C., K.O., L.R., A.H., M.M., S.L.V., P.J.K., and K.C. performed research. P.J.K. contributed new reagents/analytic tools; S.-Y.K., J.H.C., and K.C. analyzed data; S.-Y.K., J.H.C., and K.C. wrote the paper; and K.C. supervised all aspects of the work.