James J. S. Nortona, Dong Sup Leeb,c, Jung Woo Leed,e, Woosik Leec, Ohjin Kwonc, Phillip Wond, Sung-Young Jungd,f, Huanyu Chengg, Jae-Woong Jeongh, Abdullah Akcei, Stephen Umunnaj, Ilyoun Nad,k, Yong Ho Kwond, Xiao-Qi Wangl, ZhuangJian Lium, Ungyu Paike, Yonggang Huangg, Timothy Bretln, Woon-Hong Yeoc,1, and John A. Rogersd,1
aNeuroscience Program, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801;
bDepartment of Chemical and Life Science Engineering, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA 23284;
cDepartment of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering, Center for Rehabilitation Science and Engineering, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA 23284;
dDepartment of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801;
eDepartment of Materials Science and Engineering, Department of Energy Engineering, Hanyang University, Seoul 133-791, Republic of Korea;
fDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, Pohang University of Science and Technology, Pohang 790-784, Republic of Korea;
gDepartments of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Mechanical Engineering, Center for Engineering and Health, Skin Disease Research Center, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208;
hDepartment of Electrical, Computer, and Energy Engineering, University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309;
iGoogle Inc., Mountain View, CA 94043;
jDepartment of Molecular and Integrative Physiology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801;
kDepartment of Chemical Engineering, Pohang University of Science and Technology, Pohang 790-784, Republic of Korea;
lDepartment of Dermatology, Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL 60611;
mInstitute of High Performance Computing, 138632, Singapore; and
nDepartment of Aerospace Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801
Recent advances in electrodes for noninvasive recording of electroencephalograms expand opportunities collecting such data for diagnosis of neurological disorders and brain-computer interfaces. Existing technologies, however, cannot be used effectively in continuous, uninterrupted modes for more than a few days due to irritation and irreversible degradation in the electrical and mechanical properties of the skin interface. Here we introduce a soft, foldable collection of electrodes in open, fractal mesh geometries that can mount directly and chronically on the complex surface topology of the auricle and the mastoid, to provide high-fidelity and long-term capture of electroencephalograms in ways that avoid any significant thermal, electrical, or mechanical loading of the skin. Experimental and computational studies establish the fundamental aspects of the bending and stretching mechanics that enable this type of intimate integration on the highly irregular and textured surfaces of the auricle. Cell level tests and thermal imaging studies establish the biocompatibility and wearability of such systems, with examples of high-quality measurements over periods of 2 wk with devices that remain mounted throughout daily activities including vigorous exercise, swimming, sleeping, and bathing. Demonstrations include a text speller with a steady-state visually evoked potential-based brain-computer interface and elicitation of an event-related potential (P300 wave).
soft electronics, auricle integration, brain-computer interface, text speller
1To whom correspondence may be addressed.
Author contributions: J.J.S.N., U.P., Y.H., W.-H.Y., and J.A.R. designed research; J.J.S.N., D.S.L., J.W.L., W.L., O.K., P.W., S.-Y.J., H.C., J.-W.J., A.A., S.U., I.N., Y.H.K., X.-Q.W., Z.L., and W.-H.Y. performed research; J.J.S.N., T.B., W.-H.Y., and J.A.R. analyzed data; and J.J.S.N., D.S.L., T.B., W.-H.Y., and J.A.R. wrote the paper.
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