한빛사 인터뷰
1. Can you please briefly summarize the paper?
In this study, we overcome some of the traditional approaches to analyze the toxicity of nanomaterials that are used for various biomedical applications. In particular, many approaches on toxicity assessment of AgNPs have been previously studied using in vitro or in vivo analysis. However, there has been limited study on ex vivo toxicity evaluation, notably on human primary peripheral blood mononuclear cells (hPBMCs), which could be a feasible alternative approach to study leukocytes population. Because hPBMC belong to heterogeneous cell types which serve as a crucial ex vivo model to stimulate biological response after blood exposure to AgNPs, but such heterogeneity could be masked by bulk assays. Therefore, in this study we performed comprehensive scRNAseq analysis demonstrated the unique role of immune cell subsets such as monocytes, B cell, and T cell in suppressing immune mediated inflammatory response upon AgNPs exposure. When AgNPs interact with monocytes there is an initiation of cellular-metal ion association which was confirmed by the upregulation of MT genes. Even though there is cellular-metal ion association, no significant activation of inflammatory response was observed.
The association of AgNPs indirectly or directly with B cells increases cell proliferation by the regulation of colony formation. However, both B cells subsets have no cytotoxicity effect was confirmed by inhibition of oxidative stress and ROS generation. Furthermore, monocyte differentiation might downregulate DEGs from both naive and memory CD4?+?T cells to prevent further initiation T cell mediated adaptive mediate immune responses as well as impaired B and T cell proliferation after AgNPs exposure. While scRNAseq allows us to investigate the immune response to AgNPs in a heterogeneous environment, this work alone is descriptive in nature, only partially conclusive, and requires further research to support our current conclusions. Additionally, our study tested only one AgNPs dose and there is no evidence that a higher dose could not cause ROS due to MTs overload, and immune effects would exist must be further elucidated.
Overall, our results suggest that AgNPs did not show immune-related toxicity response in a diverse population, suggesting that more clinical research can be done to determine whether AgNPs are suitable for use in a safe manner.
2. Can you please tell us the main difficulties you had in the laboratory work and how you overcame them?
In the lab, one of the biggest challenges I faced was to design an experimental plan for the single cell RNAseq (scRNAseq) experiments. Since scRNAseq analysis is one of the most expensive and highly challenging to perform with skillful pipette handling experiment. Also, it has multiple steps to perform for three to four consecutive days to complete the task successfully. The success rate of experiment was quite narrow unless you should do it properly and more precisely to get accurate results.
The second thing is to analysis the dataset with proper analytical tool. Since its single cell level experiment analysis, you will have huge unbiassed dataset at single cell level. Therefore, you need vast knowledge to perform data analysis to focus your target cells and genes expression to narrow down and find correct the molecular target pathways. Overall, you should have more experience skills in experimental as well as data analysis parts to succeed the scRNAseq analysis.
3. Please introduce your laboratory, university or organization to bio-researchers in Korea.
I am currently working as Associate Professor (Non-Tenure Track) in in Center for Creative Convergence Education, Hanyang University, Seoul, Republic of Korea. I am also associated in Research Institute for Convergence of Basic Science, Department of Chemistry, Hanyang University, Seoul 04763, South Korea. Currently I am independent researcher and collaborating my research works with Prof. Sohn Daewon, and Prof. Yoon Tae Hyun from Department of Chemistry, Hanyang University, Seoul 04763, South Korea. I am also doing many collaborations with other Universities in Korea. I am mostly working on cancer & molecular biology, bulk and scRNAseq analysis, exosome analysis, toxicity of nanomaterials, co-culture model, etc..
4. Please tell us your experiences and your thoughts related to research activities abroad.
It’s a great experience to explore research activities abroad, especially in Korea. Those who are in Korea for long term would feel like is one of our home countries and your colleague, researcher, students, and professors will behave respectively and treat you as one of their own. Since I have more than 16 years of experience in Korea I have gone through lot of success as well failure during my research carrier. All the experience I gained during my research carrier is more precious which currently guiding me to tackle any kind of circumstances more easily and perfectly. Furthermore, I have access to explore different kinds of research equipment and reagents that might be hard to find in our home country. Additionally, being overseas also allows me to attend international conferences and network with researchers from all around the world, exposing me to new viewpoints and ideas. Furthermore, I've observed that Korea provides strong funding for research activities and allows scholars to carry out exhaustive investigations and produce influential publications.
5. Can you provide some advice for younger scientists who have plans to study abroad?
I believe that Korea is one of the safest countries for you to pursue your research career. My advice to young scientists planning to study abroad is to set precise goals and create a solid plan to attain them successfully. Regardless of the obstacles you may face during the application process, including for schools, scholarships, and visas, please remain focused and do not give up hope. Once you're overseas, just feel proud of yourself and continue to believe in yourself because not many people will have the same opportunities that you have. So, work hard, accept every opportunity to learn and grow, and believe in yourself. Persistence and hard work will pay off, and you will achieve your goals as expected. Remember to really enjoy the experience and seize every opportunity that comes your way.
All the best!
6. Future plan?
I am planning to establish my own research laboratory in Korea at an esteemed university by obtaining Korean government research grants. I want to support many students from domestic as well as internationally to extend my research ideas to the next level and contribute good things to society. I'm eager to explore new experiences, meet diverse individuals across the globe, and establish valuable connections within the global scientific community. My goal is to contribute to more dedicative research ideas and expand my carrier into social welfare.
7. Do you have anything else that you would like to tell Korean scientists and students?
Since I have a lot of experience in Korea, I believe that Koreans are more kind, talent and helpful in a variety of ways if you ask them. Please continue to treat foreigners in this manner and assist them with their requirements. You have a lot of modern facilities and research ideas to explore and compete with the most developed countries. So, please continue your innovative research and help the nation grow to the next level.
#Single cell RNAseq
# data analysis
# Nanoparticles
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