한빛사 인터뷰
1. Can you please briefly summarize the paper?
We identified that ERK2 is important for the transcriptional activation in human immediate early genes (IEGs) such as EGR1 and FOS. Unlike ERK2, ERK1 suppresses EGR1 gene activation. ERK2 requires ELK1 binding to stimulate transcriptional activation at EGR1. Importantly, we found that ERK1 and ERK2 phosphorylate and regulate topoisomerase II (TOP2) in different manners. ERK2 enhances TOP2 activity to resolve positive DNA supercoiling but delays TOP2B catalysis of negatively supercoiled DNA. Without functional ERK2, TOP2 occupancy is abnormally increased in the IEGs, suggesting impaired TOP2B catalysis or TOP2B dissociation from its substrate DNA. Lastly, we obtained the first cryo-EM structure of TOP2B in the complex with etoposide and EGR1 transcription start site in this paper.
2. Can you please tell us the main difficulties you had in the laboratory work and how you overcame them?
The challenge in working and doing research in my current position at Kyungpook National University is to have students enthusiastic, diligent, and dedicative to do research in basic life science in the lab. I am sorry for the developmental and educational inequalities escalating more and more between Seoul and other areas in S. Korea. I am also sorry for the unproductive competitions for the resources (students, governmental funding, lab spaces, etc) and hierarchical pressures in the department and school. I needed stronger faith and harder work to overcome the difficulties and achieve the accomplishments in my research.
3. Please introduce your laboratory, university or organization to bio-researchers in Korea.
I have been working in the field of transcriptional regulation since 2002. I have been intensively focused on the mechanistic understanding of RNA polymerase II promoter-proximal pause and pause release in humans. My lab uses molecular and cell biology and biochemical methods and also employs diverse techniques including mass spectrometry, genomics, and structural analyses through collaborations.
4. Please tell us your experiences and your thoughts related to research activities abroad.
I acquired my Ph.D. in Microbiology at Cornell University. Looking back, I was lucky to be able to focus on my project (one project) solely throughout the Ph.D. study. The project was set in the earlier period of the Ph.D. course, which was confirmed by my thesis committees (5 professors) and PI and was matured for my Ph.D. defense and graduation. I think that the academic system in the USA is to produce independent and creative thinkers and researchers, which was so important for me to be transformed and grow as such a researcher.
5. Can you provide some advice for younger scientists who have plans to study abroad?
Hard work, good work ethics, and being determined to succeed, regardless of the adverse circumstances and setbacks, are important. With these characters, I think that one will take the opportunities of the degree and research programs in the USA as footsteps to propel their careers. If you want to be 9 to 5 working, are dependent in learning, and avoid challenges, please think once more to study abroad.
6. Future plan?
I will keep growing my research in gene regulation/transcriptional regulation in future.
7. Do you have anything else that you would like to tell Korean scientists and students?
There are many excellent scientists and student researchers in S. Korea. I wish that they can do research based on their specific interest and profession, rather than having to change the research subject based on the trends or grants. I think that the government should foster the research environment where researchers can perform their specialized area of research for a long term, 20, 30, even 40 years. In that way, profound, deep-rooted research can be eventually formed in the country. It seems a quite long way from what it is now. In addition, I hope that Korean scientists are open to and respectful for diverse and high risk scientific ideas to consider before quick (or past paper impact/number-oriented) judgement. Thank you for reading my stories and thoughts.
#Transcriptional regulation
# Gene regulation
# Transcription-coupled genomic instability
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