한빛사 인터뷰
1. Can you please briefly summarize the paper?
Through analyzing data from 814 couples, we found that not only the severity of one’s chronic illnesses, but also their change over time was associated with the severity of chronic illnesses in their spouses. Our paper shows that chronic illnesses as a whole show spousal concordance, and suggest that a dyadic approach to management may be effective.
2. Can you please tell us the main difficulties you had in the laboratory work and how you overcame them?
As this was a clinical study, the main issues were with recruiting enough subjects at baseline and retaining as many as possible during the follow-up period. Subject recruitment also had to be free from any bias. These issues were resolved by including several study sites from all over the country, as this would reduce the number of subjects needed from each site, while also ensuring geographical randomization.
3. Please introduce your laboratory, university or organization to bio-researchers in Korea.
I currently work at Keyo Hospital, which is a large and well-known psychiatric hospital. I am also a researcher of the Korean Longitudinal Study on cognitive Aging and Dementia (KLOSCAD), a large cohort study of elderly Koreans. The data from this study was used for the paper.
4. Please tell us your experiences and your thoughts related to research activities abroad.
I was once a part of a large multinational research project. My main impression from that experience was the importance of networking. I was surprised by the interest researchers showed each other.
5. Can you provide some advice for younger scientists who have plans to study abroad?
Likewise, I would like to emphasize the importance of networking. Don’t be shy and speak up. Other people will listen to you.
6. Future plan?
Using data from the KLOSCAD, we are looking into the spousal concordance of sleep.
#chronic disease
# aged
# spouse
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