한빛사 인터뷰
1. 논문관련 분야의 소개, 동향, 전망을 설명, 연구과정에서 생긴 에피소드
In our paper titled "An Integrated Single-Cell Transcriptomic Dataset for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer," we present a comprehensive dataset of single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) data from human primary non-small cell lung cancer tumors. As the trend of precision medicine continues, scRNA-seq has been widely used to study cellular heterogeneity in tumors over the past decade. However, publicly available datasets are often limited in their patient cohorts, number of cells, or cell types, which can lower their utility. To address these limitations, we collected and integrated seven scRNA-seq datasets to create a robust atlas of NSCLC. Our final dataset contains 224,611 cells from both lung adenocarcinoma and lung squamous carcinoma tumors, representing early to advanced stages and both genders. We demonstrated the utility of our dataset with pseudotime trajectory analysis and cell type label transfer. With standardized metadata and thorough cell type annotation, our dataset offers a valuable resource for studying NSCLC and can be reused by other researchers.
2. 연구를 진행했던 소속기관 또는 연구소에 대해 소개 부탁드립니다.
The authors of this paper are affiliated with the Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology at Ajou University Graduate School of Medicine. Our research integrates bioinformatic and experimental analyses to deepen our understanding of cancer and age-related pathologies. Our key research areas include single-cell analysis, hepatocarcinogenesis, and cellular senescence. By studying these areas, we aim to elucidate the molecular mechanisms underlying cancer and aging and contribute to development of novel therapeutic strategies targeting these conditions.
3. 연구 활동 하시면서 평소 느끼신 점 또는 자부심, 보람
In my research activities, I am fortunate to have the freedom to choose the topic and methods of my projects. Since the research is close to my interests, it is easier to maintain a sense of purpose and motivation. A positive atmosphere in the workplace and the support of lab mates who understand me well are a valuable source of encouragement whenever I feel tired or overwhelmed. Although research can be challenging, the progress we make gives me a sense of pride in what we do.
4. 이 분야로 진학하려는 후배들 또는 유학준비생들에게 도움이 되는 말씀을 해 주신다면?
It is great to see that many young people nowadays are choosing the biomedical major as their career path. Hopefully, their work will lead to a better understanding of health and diseases and improve lives of patients, and the general public. I would like the future students to consider what their passion and strengths are while deciding which field to join. Since I am a foreign student myself, I definitely recommend studying abroad. I believe it can give the students a unique perspective, provide new skills, and open many possibilities both from academical and cultural point of view.
5. 연구 활동과 관련된 앞으로의 계획이 있으시다면?
The number of publicly available single-cell datasets of different modalities is constantly growing. Recently, I have been learning how to analyze different types of data, including single-cell epigenomic and spatial transcriptomic data. Therefore, I would like to utilize these skills in our future projects. Moreover, as AI-based tools for cancer-related research are rapidly evolving, I wish to develop new machine learning algorithms or incorporate available relevant methods in our research. We are also open to collaborations with other researchers in the field of precision medicine.
6. 다른 하시고 싶은 이야기들.....
I am honored to become a member the Biological Research Information Center. Thank you for this valuable opportunity and showing interest in our research.
# Single-Cell Analysis
# Cancer Biology
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