한빛사 인터뷰
Plasmodesmata provide conduits for the exchange of cellular signals, hormones, and nutrients between cells in plants. Without plasmodesmata, plants simply cannot form multicellular organisms. The important role of plasmodesmata in cell-to-cell communication has long been recognized. However, molecular understanding of plasmodesmal components and transport mechanisms still remains as one of the most challenging field in Plant Biology in spite of the efforts tracing back more than 20 years. Researchers in this field are actively trying to tackle this problem by using molecular, genetic, and biochemical approaches. In our Plant Cell report, we addressed a hypothesis that posttranslational modification by plasmodesmal-associated protein kinase (PAPK) might be involved in regulating macromolecular trafficking across plasmodesmata. The identification of PAPK will now allow us to use this molecular tool to dissect further the regulatory mechanism underlying the plasmodesmal trafficking and possibly other molecular players in this pathway.
- 연구과정에서 생긴 에피소드
When I first got the peptide sequences from purified PAPK, which indicated that it was encoded by Casein Kinase I (CKI) gene family, I felt as if I was hit by a hammer. I was expecting to get some novel receptor kinase sequences and here I was with CKI sequences in hand. My big disappointment stemmed from the fact that CKI was one of the earliest protein kinase to be isolated and biochemically characterized, and soon became an old history because its role remained obscure. After shaking my heads for few days, I finally decided to learn more about the enzyme, talking to myself that there's got to be something with this enzyme that I do not know about. Once I started literature search, I found very interesting facts; the importance of the enzyme was just started emerging at that time! In animal field, CKI turned out to be involved in circadian rhythm, wnt signaling, and Alzheimer disease, to name a few. Finally, when I learned that the characteristics of CKI make it the best candidate for a PAPK or a Checkpoint Charley at the intercellular gate, I became thrilled and could pursue the study. After all, the PAPK project is one of the main research topics that my team is working on at the Delaware Biotechnology Institute. Don't throw away gold nuggets just because they are hidden inside stones. That was the lessen I learned!
2. 본 연구가 이루어진 기관 또는 연구소에 관한 소개를 부탁드립니다.
Delaware Biotechnology Institute (http://www.dbi.udel.edu) has been founded for 5 years and building reputations as a leading biotechnology institute. The nature of the institute is multidisciplinary and each faculty and lab benefits from each other's unique discipline. Among the state-of-the art infrastructure that DBI boast, Bioimaging center is certainly pivotal to many research programs in DBI including mine. Bioinformatics is also one of the strengths of DBI of which details can be found in the above website.
3. 연구활동 하시면서 평소 느끼신 점 또는 자부심, 보람
I, with my husband, left Korea 15 years ago with a dream to study Molecular Biology which was a quite new filed back then. We didn't realize, though, that we would stay in US and raise two boys. As a female scientist, wife to a scientist, and mother, I had ups and downs and had moments when I wasn't sure where I was heading to was right for me and my family. Especially, it was difficult to get over the guilt as a working Mom to my oldest son when he was very young. However, as he and his brother grew older, I could see that love and care do not necessarily have to come with long hours of parent's time. Rather, children learn to appreciate quality time and to become independent. I like research very much and that is why where I am now but I am most proud to be a Mom to my boys. Because I had my boys, I became a better human being and a scientist.
4. 이 분야로 진학하려는 후배들 또는 유학준비생들에게 도움이 되는 말씀을 해 주신다면?
The area of my research is highly challenging but the successful outcome will be highly visible also due to its fundamental nature of the question. If you are interested in this field and want to study abroad, strong English is a must. Reading comprehension and writing skills can not be over emphasized.
5. 연구활동과 관련된 앞으로의 계획이 있으시다면?
Currently, I am expanding my laboratory, and positions are open to prospective students seeking postdoctoral or graduate research positions.
Application Instructions: Please send a letter of application describing research background, a CV, a brief research interest, and the names and contact information for three references to: Jung-Youn Lee, Delaware Biotechnology Institute, University of Delaware, Newark , DE 19711.
Applications may be sent by email to
Job Contact Email :
Job Type : Postdoctoral
Full Description:
Two postdoctoral positions are immediately available to work on NIH and NSF-funded projects to investigate the molecular mechanisms and components of cell-to-cell communication mediated by plasmodesmata in plants. We have recently demonstrated that macromolecular trafficking through plasmodesmata plays important roles in controlling developmental and physiological processes (Lucas and Lee, 2004, Nature Rev Mol Cell Biol. 5:712-726; Lee et al., 2003, Science, 299: 392-396). The current projects involve molecular dissection of plasmodesmal targeting mechanism and identification of plasmodesmal channel components. The successful candidates will use a combination of molecular biology, reverse genetics, cell biology, and biochemical/proteomics approaches to address these questions. A strong background in molecular biology, biochemistry and/or plant cell biology is highly desirable. Experience in protein-protein interaction and protein purification is a plus. Salary will be commensurate with experience. Delaware Biotechnology Institute (http://www.dbi.udel.edu/index.html) is situated between New York City and Washington, DC. The research at the institute is supported by state-of-the-art core instrumentation centers, including mass spectroscopy, DNA and protein sequencing, structural biology, bioimaging, and common laboratories all linked to a bioinformatics center designed to store and analyze the massive amounts of data generated by interdisciplinary research initiatives.
6. 다른 하시고 싶은 이야기들....
Dream high! Your dream might come true!
Although it seems days are long when you are still a student and young, time does really fly. Even my 6-year-old boy said yesterday, "Mom, I can not believe that its 20th day of school already! Time goes really fast!"
Set your goal now and work toward it. Do not waste your time nor procrastinate.
Received for article September 29, 2005 |
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