Recommend to dilute the serum or plasma samples with SampleDiluent(1:500)before test. The suggested 500-fold dilution can be achievedbyadding5μlsample to 95μl of Sample Diluent first, then complete the 500-folddilutionbyadding 10μl of this solution to 240μl of Sample Diluent. Therecommendeddilution factor is for reference only. The optimal dilution factor shouldbedetermined by users according to their particular experiments. ---> 어떻게 500배 희석이 되는건지 알려주세요 ㅜㅜ
Wash Buffer(1x)- If crystals have formed in the concentrate, warmuptoroom temperature and mix gently until the crystals havecompletelydissolved. Dilute 20 ml of Wash Buffer Concentrate (25 x) intodeionizedordistilled water to prepare 500 ml of Wash Buffer (1 x).