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[다중 면역형광 이미징 시스템] ORION™ 한번의 면역염색 및 스캔으로 +15 여 개의 바이오마커 동시 분석
These whole slide multiplex data sets show the transformational power of the Orion™ system, enabling comprehensive phenotypic profiling and characterization of tissue architecture, tumor heterogeneity, and the immune response.
This data set describes an approach for collecting and analyzing H&E and high-plex immunofluorescence (IF) images from the same cells in a whole-slide format suitable for translational and clinical research and eventual deployment in diagnosis. Highly multiplexed tissue imaging, spatial statistics, and machine learning were used to identify cell types and states underlying morphological features of known diagnostic and prognostic significance in colorectal cancer.
This is a whole-slide tissue section of a tonsil with reactive lymphoid hyperplasia stained with a 15-plex biomarker panel and imaged with the Orion instrument in a single staining and scanning process. Images in this data set show subsets of markers that have been selected from the larger immuno-oncology panel.
This is a whole-slide tissue section of an invasive colorectal adenocarcinoma stained with a 17-plex Immuno-oncology biomarker panel and imaged with the Orion system in a single staining and scanning process. These data were collected in collaboration with the Harvard Laboratory of Systems Pharmacology. Images in this viewer show smaller sets of markers that have been selected from the larger panel.
This data set displays 16-markers on a single tissue section. The normal mucosal surface of the tongue is at the bottom of the image and the nodule of invasive cancer is seen in the top half, surrounded by fibrous reaction. The slide was stained with Orion reagents and imaged using the Orion Instrument. All markers were stained in a single staining procedure and imaged in a single scan.
This data set is a 17-marker whole-slide scan of a single section of lung from a region adjacent to a non-small cell lung carcinoma. It has intact normal lung alveolar architecture, with scattered immune cell infiltrates. The slide was stained with Orion reagents and imaged using the Orion Instrument. All markers were stained in a single staining procedure and imaged in a single scan.
Spatial analysis and high-plex immunofluorescence to study human pancreata in type 1 diabetes
Dr. Estefania Quesada-Masachs
Instructor, La Jolla Institute for Immunology
In this webinar, Dr. Quesada-Masachs will explain the image analysis pipeline that she has developed and applied to study whole tissue pancreatic samples of donors with type 1 diabetes (T1D). Those samples were previously stained and acquired with the high-plex Orion™ platform. New methods for spatial image analysis are providing a better understanding of local processes occurring in many human diseases, revolutionizing those scientific fields.
Spatial Biology: Applying Cellular Phenotyping in Health and Disease
Mickael Meyrand, Field Application Scientist, RareCyte, Inc
Tissue consists of heterogeneous cell types, each with diverse functions and functional states, where spatial organization can impact patient health status. Understanding such spatial context at the subcellular level is often challenging due to low resolution imaging, throughput, and simultaneous target assessment. Orion™ technology can resolve these challenges, providing a fast path to whole slide, multiplexed, and high resolution biomarker imaging data.
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