연구용제품Bio resource > Vector
LentiEZ: LT-ExoGene-SeqInfo
LentiEZ™ LT-ExoGene-SeqInfo
1. Notice
- The LentiEZ™ vector system is for research use only.
- For clinical use or any other purpose, you should obtain a license from Genenmed Inc.
- As safety consideration, follow the recommended NIH guidelines for BSL-2.
2. General information
1) About LentiEZ™
- The LentiEZ vector system is a second-generation one.
2) For customers
- Customer will receive recombinant Lentivirus (~1x108 VP).
- Turn-around-time is related with service types.
3. Lentiviral vector construction
- Customer should provide sequence information for the gene to be expressed (see the restriction sites of the cloning vector).
- Genenmed will synthesize the gene (the price for gene synthesis is additional) and clone it to the Lentiviral vector.
- Price for less than 1kb in length is $995.
- Price for 1~2kb in length is $1,250.
- Price for 2~3kb in length is $1,500.
- For over 3kb in length, ask price.
4. Lentivirus packaging
- Price is $1,000.
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