We are looking for highly motivated postdoctoral fellows in microfluidics and organoids. These positions will be supported by NIH and NSF grants (NHLBI-R01, NCI-R01, NSF CAREER, NIAID-R21, NCI-R21, etc.).
We study lymphatic and vascular biology, cancer biology, and neurological diseases (eye and brain) by employing 3D tissue engineering tools, organs-on-chip, organoids in vitro platforms, molecular biology methods, and in vivo animal models. Below is the expertise we seek.
[Microfluidics and Organoids]
- Designing, fabrication (soft lithography, 3D printing, etc), and characterization of microfluidic devices, lab-on-chip, organ-on-chip, 3D cellularity, tissue level in vitro modeling
- Cell seeding, cell culturing & maintaining on-chip; and investigating cell mechanics, cell-cell interactions, cell secretome, cell morphology on-chip
- Experience in developing tissue-level 3D mono/multi-cellular structure in vitro
- Experience in organoids, stem cells, multicellular behaviors, and cells in shear stress
- Organoid technologies in immunity, vascular, lymphatic, cancer, and organ regenerative medicine, vascularization of organoids, implantation of the organoids
- iPSCs differentiation to specific cell types (e.g., liver, gut, immune, brain, heart, endothelial, lymphoid cells, pericytes, etc.).
- Monitoring and characterizing organoid development in vitro and in vivo
- Molecular biology, Cell biology, biochemistry skills in the areas
If you are interested, please send your cover letter and CV (including education, publications, and contact information for three references) to my email at el767@cornell.edu. Thank you.